
My name is Hung Yeh Peisinger. I have been practicing homeopathy in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada since 1997. I hold a degree from the University of Cologne, Germany and a Practitioner Diploma from the School of Homeopathy, UK.

I have always been a rebel, pioneer and a truth-sayer.

I come from a lineage of Chinese Medicine Practitioners. During early childhood years, I had very little exposure to western industrialized medical practices with their reductionist model of sickness. I lived and breathed the ancient tradition and wisdom of Chinese Indigenous Medicine. This immersion in energetic, traditional earth based medicine is the foundation of how I live and practice my healing art. These ancestral gifts from my family keep nurturing my confidence and trust in our inherent power to self-heal.
What a blessing!

My life and healing work is guided and illuminated by my personal relationship with my Teachers, Sacred Plants and Earth medicines. I live with a deep, extensive and experiential understanding of how body/mind are inseparably interwoven until this fabric dissolves in the process we call dying.

My life and homeopathic practice fill me with deep gratitude for all my patients, friends, and relations.

Falling might very well be flying –
without the tyranny of coordinates.

Work with me