My Practice

Homeopathy is energetic medicine that can affect positively the health of our physical body and our mind.

Understanding the inseparable body/mind/spirit connection, we know that specific formative incidences in your life can be root causes for physical and mental/emotional illness. 

Root causes include (and not limited to)

  • Birth Traumas where the birth was medicated, induced or forced
  • Perinatal disruptions and trauma for the parent and child 
  • Neglect, abandonment, lack of connection/bonding and safety in childhood
  • Sexual abuse
  • Physical / mental abuse
  • Domineering, oppressive, controlling parenting
  • Repression of one’s Sexuality 
  • Workplace or personal conflicts 
  • Grief, Shock, Anger, Humiliation, Resentment, etc. (unresolved)
  • Antibiotics, Steroids, Birth Control Pills, Vaccinations, and other suppressive and damaging drugs
  • Burn out

All the above listed causes (and more) lead to a long list of mental, emotional, and physical symptoms such as auto-immune, ulcers, headaches, eczema, hormonal disturbances, digestive issues, IBS, panic attacks, anxiety, depression, sexual “dysfunctions”,  OCD, eating disorders, Chronic Fatigue ….you name it….

I work with you to identify specific formative experiences in your life and root causes of your physical and psychological conditions. Your medicines are carefully selected homeopathic remedies that correspond with your specific circumstances.

You will experience and receive a comprehensive holistic medical approach that is completely in-synch with your and your body’s natural rhythms and processes of HEALING.

Constitutional treatment

A lot of people and children “just” need constitutional remedies that would treat their inherited constitutional tendencies that make them prone to certain illnesses: allergies, digestion, menstrual issues, menopause; urinary tract ; anxiety, skin eruptions, ADHD,  etc

In the process of homeopathic treatment the constitution will get strengthened. The tendencies to develop certain illnesses will be very much reduced. 

First Aid
Homeopathic remedies are incredibly effective in situation of First Aid and Post-Operation.

Cooperation with other Medicine Practitioners

I love being partnered with medicine practitioners from other traditions (sacred plants, osteopath, TCM, therapists, etc ).
My homeopathic work amplifies and grounds the process of other practitioners and vice versa.

Read more about me